I grew up with comics. As a very young kid, I wandered into my
attic, and found a BIG box of my dads comics. It was a treasure
trove...old Gold Key Solar Man of the Atom, Magnus Robot Fighter, Thor,
X-Men, Avengers, Dr. Strange etc, etc. I read, and re-read this
mountain of greatness many times over, learning more as I went.
Fast forward a few years, and I start buying my own comics at a local
shop (that actually STILL exists). It's slow going as even back when
comics were a LOT cheaper, $ was also harder to come by as a kid. I
mainly stick with the X-Men titles until the late 80's/early 90's.
Marvel's reboot is ON. SO many variant issues (X-Men, Spiderman,
X-Force)...then the Marvel Masterpiece card line comes out...I can't get
enough. Slowly but steady, the growing variant craze, story arcs that
run loner/include more series, prices climbing, the start of Valiant,
and Image just spread the time/$ WAY to thin...and I drop out of comics.
My newest issue was from the Battlestar Galactica (1997-1998) by
Realm...and even then I only got issue 4 of 5. Life moved on and comics
completely fell by the wayside.
Mind you I still had some of my old stash:
Battlestar Galactica (1997 - 1998) Realm Press
Jay & Silent Bob (1998 - 1999) Oni Press
Resident Evil Magazine (1998) Image
Star Wars: Crimson Empire (1997) Dark Horse
Stargods (1998) Antarctic Press
Transformers: Generation 2 (1993 - 1994) Marvel (just the first BADASS gatefold cover)
Transformers: The Wreckers (2003 - Present) 3H Productions
Star Wars Manga (that I can't seem to find on here).
A few weeks ago I was talking with a long time friend (FINALLY got
him to watch The Avengers movie)...and talk fell on comics. The more we
talked, the more I missed the days of my youth reading, and looking for
comics weekly. The fire was re-ignited.
Now mind you, being out of comics for basically 14 years makes
getting back into things a bit daunting. I have missed a HUGE amount of
MASSIVE storylines...so where to start? I start talking to a few old
friends that notice me posting some of my favorite art/covers from
comics gone by. I have a few that help get me back up to speed a bit,
and I settle on the Avengers vs X-Men collection. I can't stop there
right? So I order a collected Dark Phoenix Saga (aa BIG fave in my
younger years). Then I hit a couple half price books, and start nabbing
some random older stuff (a BIG Cable bundle, random X titles) for fun.
Next I hit the local comic shop (hehehhe(. I decide to get the first 2
issues of Uncanny Avengers...I was going to go with the All New X-Men,
but they were out of 3 of the first five, so that has to wait a bit. I
start to peruse the variant boxes, and "clearance titles"...nab some
SWEET variant issues of Voltron (2011-2012) Dynamite Entertainment, and
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters (2011 - 2012) IDW Publishing #1.
I am back, and having a BLAST. (though catching up on SO many
years of storylines, new characters, good people now evil (and vice
versa) wil def take awhile LOL).