1) Uncanny X-Men #-1 (Flashback issue - 1997)
2) Uncanny X-Men #173 (1983)
3) Uncanny X-Men #218
4) Uncanny X-Men #254 (new team lead by Forge)
5) Uncanny X-Men #261 (1st App. of Hardcase & the Harriers)
6) Uncanny X-Men #282 (1st cameo App. of Bishop)
7) Uncanny X-Men #282 (2nd printing gold variant)
8) Uncanny X-Men #283 (1st full App. of Bishop)
9) Uncanny X-Men #284
10) Uncanny X-Men #285
11) Uncanny X-Men #300 (Giant-Size Anniversary Issue, Holographic Foil cover)
12) Uncanny X-Men #301 (App. of Mystique)
13) Uncanny X-Men #303 (death of Illyana Rasputin/Magik)
14) Uncanny X-Men #304 (Giant-Size 30th Anniversary Issue, Fatal Attractions crossover)
15) Uncanny X-Men #305 (1st App. of Phalanx)
16) Uncanny X-Men #306
17) Uncanny X-Men #308
18) Uncanny X-Men #309
19) Uncanny X-Men #310 (Cable & Cyclops vs. X-Cutioner)
20) Uncanny X-Men #311 (Bishop vs. Sabretooth)
21) Uncanny X-Men #312 (vs. Phalanx)
22) Uncanny X-Men #314 (Emma Frost possesses Iceman)
23) Uncanny X-Men #320 (Legion Quest storyline, vs. Legion)
24) Uncanny X-Men #326 (Gambit vs. Sabretooth)
25) Uncanny X-Men #343
26) Uncanny X-Men #344
27) Uncanny X-Men #351
28) Uncanny X-Men #357
29) Uncanny X-Men #358
30) Uncanny X-Men #390 (death of Colossus, Legacy Virus cured)
31) Uncanny X-Men #410
32) Uncanny X-Men #411
33) Uncanny X-Men #453
34) Uncanny X-Men #454 (App. of Hellfire Club)
35) Uncanny X-Men #456
36) Uncanny X-Men #457
37) Uncanny X-Men #458 (in Savage Land, App. of Hercules)
38) Uncanny X-Men #459
39) Uncanny X-Men #460
40) Uncanny X-Men #461 (vs. Mojo)
41) Uncanny X-Men #462 (House of M crossover, App. of Captain Britain)
42) Uncanny X-Men #463 (House of M crossover)
43) Uncanny X-Men #464 (House of M crossover)
44) Uncanny X-Men #466 (Decimation crossover)
45) Uncanny X-Men #482 (App. of Starjammers)
46) Uncanny X-Men Annual #15 (1991)
47) Uncanny X-Men Annual #16
48) Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (sealed in bag w/ trading card)
49) Uncanny X-Men Annual #18 (vs. Caliban)
50) Uncanny X-Men Annual '95
51) Uncanny X-Men Annual '96
52) Uncanny X-Men Annual 2001
1) Uncanny X-Men #-1 (Flashback issue - 1997)
2) Uncanny X-Men #173 (1983)
3) Uncanny X-Men #218
4) Uncanny X-Men #254 (new team lead by Forge)
5) Uncanny X-Men #261 (1st App. of Hardcase & the Harriers)
6) Uncanny X-Men #282 (1st cameo App. of Bishop)
7) Uncanny X-Men #282 (2nd printing gold variant)
8) Uncanny X-Men #283 (1st full App. of Bishop)
9) Uncanny X-Men #284
10) Uncanny X-Men #285
11) Uncanny X-Men #300 (Giant-Size Anniversary Issue, Holographic Foil cover)
12) Uncanny X-Men #301 (App. of Mystique)
13) Uncanny X-Men #303 (death of Illyana Rasputin/Magik)
14) Uncanny X-Men #304 (Giant-Size 30th Anniversary Issue, Fatal Attractions crossover)
15) Uncanny X-Men #305 (1st App. of Phalanx)
16) Uncanny X-Men #306
17) Uncanny X-Men #308
18) Uncanny X-Men #309
19) Uncanny X-Men #310 (Cable & Cyclops vs. X-Cutioner)
20) Uncanny X-Men #311 (Bishop vs. Sabretooth)
21) Uncanny X-Men #312 (vs. Phalanx)
22) Uncanny X-Men #314 (Emma Frost possesses Iceman)
23) Uncanny X-Men #320 (Legion Quest storyline, vs. Legion)
24) Uncanny X-Men #326 (Gambit vs. Sabretooth)
25) Uncanny X-Men #343
26) Uncanny X-Men #344
27) Uncanny X-Men #351
28) Uncanny X-Men #357
29) Uncanny X-Men #358
30) Uncanny X-Men #390 (death of Colossus, Legacy Virus cured)
31) Uncanny X-Men #410
32) Uncanny X-Men #411
33) Uncanny X-Men #453
34) Uncanny X-Men #454 (App. of Hellfire Club)
35) Uncanny X-Men #456
36) Uncanny X-Men #457
37) Uncanny X-Men #458 (in Savage Land, App. of Hercules)
38) Uncanny X-Men #459
39) Uncanny X-Men #460
40) Uncanny X-Men #461 (vs. Mojo)
41) Uncanny X-Men #462 (House of M crossover, App. of Captain Britain)
42) Uncanny X-Men #463 (House of M crossover)
43) Uncanny X-Men #464 (House of M crossover)
44) Uncanny X-Men #466 (Decimation crossover)
45) Uncanny X-Men #482 (App. of Starjammers)
46) Uncanny X-Men Annual #15 (1991)
47) Uncanny X-Men Annual #16
48) Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (sealed in bag w/ trading card)
49) Uncanny X-Men Annual #18 (vs. Caliban)
50) Uncanny X-Men Annual '95
51) Uncanny X-Men Annual '96
52) Uncanny X-Men Annual 2001
53) X-Men #4 (Vol. 1, 1st App. of Omega Red - 1992)
54) X-Men #5 (Wolverine vs. Omega Red)
55) X-Men #30 (wedding of Scott Summers & Jean Grey)
56) X-Men #45 (Giant-Size 35th Anniversary Issue, Double Gatefold Prismatic Foil cover, Rogue vs. Gambit)
57) X-Men #110 (Colossus memorial issue)
58) New X-Men #114 (title change, by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, 1st App. of Cassanda Nova)
59) New X-Men #150
60) New X-Men #151 (Here Comes Tomorrow pt. 1, by Grant Morrison & Marc Silvestri)
61) New X-Men #152 (pt. 2)
62) New X-Men #153 (pt. 3)
63) New X-Men #154 (pt. 4, conclusion)
64) New X-Men #155
65) New X-Men #156 (last New X-Men issue)
66) New X-Men #184 (1st App. of Sunspot as Famine)
53) X-Men #4 (Vol. 1, 1st App. of Omega Red - 1992)
54) X-Men #5 (Wolverine vs. Omega Red)
55) X-Men #30 (wedding of Scott Summers & Jean Grey)
56) X-Men #45 (Giant-Size 35th Anniversary Issue, Double Gatefold Prismatic Foil cover, Rogue vs. Gambit)
57) X-Men #110 (Colossus memorial issue)
58) New X-Men #114 (title change, by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, 1st App. of Cassanda Nova)
59) New X-Men #150
60) New X-Men #151 (Here Comes Tomorrow pt. 1, by Grant Morrison & Marc Silvestri)
61) New X-Men #152 (pt. 2)
62) New X-Men #153 (pt. 3)
63) New X-Men #154 (pt. 4, conclusion)
64) New X-Men #155
65) New X-Men #156 (last New X-Men issue)
66) New X-Men #184 (1st App. of Sunspot as Famine)
67) X-Factor #1 (Vol. 1, 1st ongoing series, original X-Men team - 1986)
68) X-Factor #5 (vs. Alliance of Evil, 1st cameo App. of Apocalypse)
69) X-Factor #6 (1st full App. of Apocalypse)
70) X-Factor #15 ("death" of Angel)
71) X-Factor #18
72) X-Factor #23
73) X-Factor #24 (Fall of the Mutants crossover, 1st App. of Archangel)
74) X-Factor #71 (1st App. of new of Havok/Polaris/Strong Guy/Multiple Man/Wolfsbane)
75) X-Factor #100 (Giant-Size Anniversary Issue, Foil cover, death of Multiple Man)
76) X-Factor #111 (Strong Guy has heart attack & dies, lead-in to Age of Apocalypse)
67) X-Factor #1 (Vol. 1, 1st ongoing series, original X-Men team - 1986)
68) X-Factor #5 (vs. Alliance of Evil, 1st cameo App. of Apocalypse)
69) X-Factor #6 (1st full App. of Apocalypse)
70) X-Factor #15 ("death" of Angel)
71) X-Factor #18
72) X-Factor #23
73) X-Factor #24 (Fall of the Mutants crossover, 1st App. of Archangel)
74) X-Factor #71 (1st App. of new of Havok/Polaris/Strong Guy/Multiple Man/Wolfsbane)
75) X-Factor #100 (Giant-Size Anniversary Issue, Foil cover, death of Multiple Man)
76) X-Factor #111 (Strong Guy has heart attack & dies, lead-in to Age of Apocalypse)
77) Ultimate X-Men #1 (Free Comic Book Day edition - 2000)
78) Ultimate X-Men #40 (1st App. of Ultimate New Mutants including Angel)
79) Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1 (by Lost creator Damon Lindelof - 2006)
80) Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2
81) Ultimate War #1 (of 4, Ultimates vs. X-Men - 2003)
82) Ultimate War #2
83) Ultimate War #3
84) Ultimate War #4 (of 4, conclusion)
85) Ultimate Power #1 (Ultimate Universe/Supreme Power Universe crossover - 2006)
86) Ultimate Power #2
87) Ultimate Power #3
88) Ultimate Power #4
89) Ultimate Power #5
77) Ultimate X-Men #1 (Free Comic Book Day edition - 2000)
78) Ultimate X-Men #40 (1st App. of Ultimate New Mutants including Angel)
79) Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1 (by Lost creator Damon Lindelof - 2006)
80) Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2
81) Ultimate War #1 (of 4, Ultimates vs. X-Men - 2003)
82) Ultimate War #2
83) Ultimate War #3
84) Ultimate War #4 (of 4, conclusion)
85) Ultimate Power #1 (Ultimate Universe/Supreme Power Universe crossover - 2006)
86) Ultimate Power #2
87) Ultimate Power #3
88) Ultimate Power #4
89) Ultimate Power #5
90) Excalibur Special: The Sword is Drawn #1 (Graphic Novel/Prestige format, 1st App. of the team, No cover price edition - RARE! - 1987)
91) Excalibur #1 (Vol. 1, 1st ongoing series, Captain Britain/Phoenix/Nightcrawler/Kitty Pryde, 1st App. of Widgit - 1988)
92) Excalibur #75 (Double-Sized Issue, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Britanic)
93) Excalibur #1 (Vol. 2 - 2004)
94) Excalibur #2
90) Excalibur Special: The Sword is Drawn #1 (Graphic Novel/Prestige format, 1st App. of the team, No cover price edition - RARE! - 1987)
91) Excalibur #1 (Vol. 1, 1st ongoing series, Captain Britain/Phoenix/Nightcrawler/Kitty Pryde, 1st App. of Widgit - 1988)
92) Excalibur #75 (Double-Sized Issue, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Britanic)
93) Excalibur #1 (Vol. 2 - 2004)
94) Excalibur #2
95) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Volume 3, ongoing series, John Cassaday variant cover - 2004)
96) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Dell Otto Wolverine variant cover - RARE!)
97) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Director's Cut variant edition)
98) Astonishing X-Men #2
99) Astonishing X-Men #3
100) Astonishing X-Men #4 (return of Colossus)
101) Astonishing X-Men #5
102) Astonishing X-Men #6
95) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Volume 3, ongoing series, John Cassaday variant cover - 2004)
96) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Dell Otto Wolverine variant cover - RARE!)
97) Astonishing X-Men #1 (Director's Cut variant edition)
98) Astonishing X-Men #2
99) Astonishing X-Men #3
100) Astonishing X-Men #4 (return of Colossus)
101) Astonishing X-Men #5
102) Astonishing X-Men #6
103) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #1 (of 5, return of the Phoenix force & Jean Grey - 2005)
104) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #1 (Green costume variant cover)
105) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #2
106) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #2 (sketch variant cover)
107) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #3
108) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #4
109) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #5 (of 5, conclusion)
103) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #1 (of 5, return of the Phoenix force & Jean Grey - 2005)
104) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #1 (Green costume variant cover)
105) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #2
106) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #2 (sketch variant cover)
107) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #3
108) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #4
109) X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #5 (of 5, conclusion)
110) X-Men Unlimited #1 (Vol. 1, All Giant-Size Issues - 1993)
111) X-Men Unlimited #2 (origin of Magneto)
112) X-Men Unlimited #3 (Wolverine & Maverick vs. Sabretooth)
113) X-Men Unlimited #4 (origin of the Rogue/Mystique/Nightcrawler relationship, Mystique revealed to be Nightcrawler's mother)
114) X-Men Unlimited #38 (Colossus memorial issue)
115) X-Men Unlimited #1 (Vol. 2 - 2004)
116) Wolverine #80 (Vol. 2, 1st ongoing series, 1st App. of X-23 in a test tube - 1994)
117) X-23: Target X #1 (of 6 - 2007)
118) X-23: Target X #2
119) X-23: Target X #3 (vs. Wolverine)
120) X-23: Target X #4
121) X-23: Target X #5
122) X-23: Target X #6 (of 6, conclusion)
123) Magneto #0 (1st solo Magneto book, origin story, mail-away - 1993)
124) Rogue #1 (first solo series, gold foil cover - 1994)
125) Bishop #1 (first solo series, silver foil cover - 1994)
126) New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
127) Black September Preview Book #1 (One-Shot, Marvel Comics/Malibu Comics crossover - 1995)
128) All New Exiles #1 (Giant-Size 64-Page Issue, Malibu Comics team lead by Juggernaut - 1995)
129) Mutants vs. Ultras: First Encounters #1 (One-Shot, 80-Page Monster, Prime vs. Hulk, Night Man vs. Wolverine, Exiles vs. X-Men - 1995)
130) Marvel & DC Present: Uncanny X-Men & New Teen Titans #1 (One-Shot - 1982)
131) X-Men: Ashcan Edition #1 (One-Shot - 1994)
132) X-Men 2099 #1 (Holographic Foil cover - 1993)
133) Alpha Flight #1 (Vol. 1 - 1983)
110) X-Men Unlimited #1 (Vol. 1, All Giant-Size Issues - 1993)
111) X-Men Unlimited #2 (origin of Magneto)
112) X-Men Unlimited #3 (Wolverine & Maverick vs. Sabretooth)
113) X-Men Unlimited #4 (origin of the Rogue/Mystique/Nightcrawler relationship, Mystique revealed to be Nightcrawler's mother)
114) X-Men Unlimited #38 (Colossus memorial issue)
115) X-Men Unlimited #1 (Vol. 2 - 2004)
116) Wolverine #80 (Vol. 2, 1st ongoing series, 1st App. of X-23 in a test tube - 1994)
117) X-23: Target X #1 (of 6 - 2007)
118) X-23: Target X #2
119) X-23: Target X #3 (vs. Wolverine)
120) X-23: Target X #4
121) X-23: Target X #5
122) X-23: Target X #6 (of 6, conclusion)
123) Magneto #0 (1st solo Magneto book, origin story, mail-away - 1993)
124) Rogue #1 (first solo series, gold foil cover - 1994)
125) Bishop #1 (first solo series, silver foil cover - 1994)
126) New X-Men: Academy X #1 (2004)
127) Black September Preview Book #1 (One-Shot, Marvel Comics/Malibu Comics crossover - 1995)
128) All New Exiles #1 (Giant-Size 64-Page Issue, Malibu Comics team lead by Juggernaut - 1995)
129) Mutants vs. Ultras: First Encounters #1 (One-Shot, 80-Page Monster, Prime vs. Hulk, Night Man vs. Wolverine, Exiles vs. X-Men - 1995)
130) Marvel & DC Present: Uncanny X-Men & New Teen Titans #1 (One-Shot - 1982)
131) X-Men: Ashcan Edition #1 (One-Shot - 1994)
132) X-Men 2099 #1 (Holographic Foil cover - 1993)
133) Alpha Flight #1 (Vol. 1 - 1983)
134) Generation X Collectors' Preview #1 (One-Shot - 1994)
135) Generation X Ashcan Preview #1 (One-Shot, HARD TO FIND! - 1994)
136) Uncanny X-Men #316 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of M)
137) Uncanny X-Men #317 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Skin)
138) X-Men #36 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Synch)
139) X-Men #37 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
140) X-Factor #106 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
141) Excalibur #82 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
142) X-Force #38 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
143) Wolverine #85 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
144) Cable #16 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
145) Generation X #1 (Chromium Foil cover, 1st App. of Chamber, 1st App. of Penance - 1994)
146) Generation X #2
134) Generation X Collectors' Preview #1 (One-Shot - 1994)
135) Generation X Ashcan Preview #1 (One-Shot, HARD TO FIND! - 1994)
136) Uncanny X-Men #316 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of M)
137) Uncanny X-Men #317 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Skin)
138) X-Men #36 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover, 1st App. of Synch)
139) X-Men #37 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
140) X-Factor #106 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
141) Excalibur #82 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
142) X-Force #38 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
143) Wolverine #85 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
144) Cable #16 (Phalanx Covenant crossover, Holographic Foil cover)
145) Generation X #1 (Chromium Foil cover, 1st App. of Chamber, 1st App. of Penance - 1994)
146) Generation X #2
147) Uncanny X-Men #278 (pt. 1, Shadow King possessed Strong Guy vs. Rogue - 1991)
148) Uncanny X-Men #279 (pt. 2)
149) X-Factor #69 (pt. 3, Shadow King vs. Professor X)
150) Uncanny X-Men #280 (pt. 4, Professor X crippled - yeah, again, Legion left in catatonic state -> lead-in to Legion Quest/Age of Apocalypse)
151) X-Factor #70 (epilogue, original X-Factor join the X-Men creating a super team, lead-in to X-Men #1)
152) Uncanny X-Men #281 (1st App. of Blue & Gold X-Men teams, 1st App. of Trevor Fitzroy)
153) X-Men #1 (by Chris Claremont/Jim Lee, Deluxe Edition, fold out cover - 1991)
154) X-Men #1 (Professor X/Jean Grey/Storm/Beast/Archangel variant)
155) X-Men #1 (Gambit/Colossus/Psylocke/Rogue variant)
156) X-Men #1 (Wolverine/Cyclops/Iceman variant)
157) X-Men #1 (Magneto variant)
158) X-Men #1 (Gambit/Colossus/Psylocke/Rogue variant signed by Jim Lee, with Certificate of Authenticity/COA)
147) Uncanny X-Men #278 (pt. 1, Shadow King possessed Strong Guy vs. Rogue - 1991)
148) Uncanny X-Men #279 (pt. 2)
149) X-Factor #69 (pt. 3, Shadow King vs. Professor X)
150) Uncanny X-Men #280 (pt. 4, Professor X crippled - yeah, again, Legion left in catatonic state -> lead-in to Legion Quest/Age of Apocalypse)
151) X-Factor #70 (epilogue, original X-Factor join the X-Men creating a super team, lead-in to X-Men #1)
152) Uncanny X-Men #281 (1st App. of Blue & Gold X-Men teams, 1st App. of Trevor Fitzroy)
153) X-Men #1 (by Chris Claremont/Jim Lee, Deluxe Edition, fold out cover - 1991)
154) X-Men #1 (Professor X/Jean Grey/Storm/Beast/Archangel variant)
155) X-Men #1 (Gambit/Colossus/Psylocke/Rogue variant)
156) X-Men #1 (Wolverine/Cyclops/Iceman variant)
157) X-Men #1 (Magneto variant)
158) X-Men #1 (Gambit/Colossus/Psylocke/Rogue variant signed by Jim Lee, with Certificate of Authenticity/COA)
159) Avengers #368 (part 1, Avengers/X-Men crossover, direct sequel to the Fatal Attractions crossover - 1993)
160) X-Men #26 (part 2)
161) Avengers West Coast #101 (part 3, War Machine vs. Exodus)
162) Uncanny X-Men #307 (part 4, vs. Exodus)
163) Avengers #369 (part 5, Giant-Size Issue, Foil Stamped cover, conclussion)
159) Avengers #368 (part 1, Avengers/X-Men crossover, direct sequel to the Fatal Attractions crossover - 1993)
160) X-Men #26 (part 2)
161) Avengers West Coast #101 (part 3, War Machine vs. Exodus)
162) Uncanny X-Men #307 (part 4, vs. Exodus)
163) Avengers #369 (part 5, Giant-Size Issue, Foil Stamped cover, conclussion)
next morning (Madison, WI) I went to my first comic book show in least
15 years. A small show (one vendor room) run by a guy that does similar
shows all over the midwest (http://epguides.com/comics/).

My nabs:
All issues in this next pic were half off ...except the Annual #14 (1st Gambit cameo), and the Secret Wars #8). #201 1st Nathianel (Cable as baby), some Fall of the Mutants goodness... Annual #10 1st Longshot, #268 a long time fave issue...all in SUPERB shape....Uncanny #166, one of my favorite covers of all time...

CHEAP tpb's, and free issues for being on the mailing list.

A seller with 2/$1 boxes, and a Gladiator figure I found at Target afterwards (HAD to have it).

The rest of these pics were from the 50 books for $20 seller (who runs the shows):

Finally earlier today I stocked up on supplies needed for all the new goodness (and some random comics just happened to fall into my hands lol):

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